Homeless People in Paris
What most people don't know is that the local government in Paris rounded up more than 12,500 homeless people before the Olympics, put them on buses, and gave them one-way tickets to towns all over France. What's more is that right before the Olympics, the city installed hundreds of concrete and metal structures - referred to as hostile architecture - to deter homeless people from going back to the places where they usually sleep. The impacts of these practices have real social and psychological consequences - their social networks that they rely upon for support have essentially been destroyed, all in the name of social cleansing and to create an illusion that Paris doesn't have a homeless problem. It does, and it needs to be addressed. The reality is that many people from around the world come to Paris and find themselves homeless and living on the streets. While the city and several associations do what they can, the need far outweighs the available resources. We're trusting the Lord to create a movement of people in the city of Paris with a heart for homeless people, and for the local governments - in partnership with local ministries and associations - to help homeless people improve their circumstances.

A Change in Government Policy
Given the way that the Parisian government managed homeless people before the summer games, we're praying that the Lord would convict government officials and raise up God fearing leaders with a heart for homeless people.

Establishing a Network of Homeless Ministries
While Paris has several Christian based homeless ministries, many of them are very small and struggle to engage the broader body of Christ. Along with Paris Missions, we're praying for a network of these ministries to come together to have a broader impact.

Provision and People
We're praying that the Lord would send more laborers specifically into the homeless ministries that are in Paris, and that He would provide for all their needs so they can serve homeless people well and share the love of Christ with them.

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